The Human Passions
This issue in our series Brussels, City of Art and History deals with The Human Passions, the marble bas-relief by Jef Lambeaux and the eponymous pavilion by Victor Horta. Three authors discuss this hidden gem in the Cinquantenaire Park, a unique collaboration between two Belgian sculpture and architecture grandmasters.
Werner Adriaenssens (Royal Museums of Art and History/VUB) gives us an inside view of the bas-relief's creation, and more in particular the scandal surrounding it.
Claudine Houbart (ULiège) describes the building history of the pavilion, how soon it was consigned to oblivion and the far-reaching transformations that were thought up for it, but never implemented.
Lastly, André Demesmaeker (Buildings Authority) tells us about the successful restoration works from 2012 until 2014, which have restored the bas-relief and pavilion to their former glory.
Bruxelles, Ville d'Art et d'HistoireN° 60
Adriaenssens Werner Houbart Claudine Demesmaeker AndréAnnée
N° dépôt légal
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The Human PassionsNombre de pages
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€ 7,50